Galax-cat Casper Blue Eyes
Tomoko Vlach (Japan) — Best of Division 2th. Best of Breed 3th.
Nurit Phal (Israel) — Final LH 8th.
NEW (TICA) Champion!!!!!
Galax-cat Ultraviolet
Nurit Phal (Israel) — Best of Division 1th. Best of Breed 1th. Final LH 6th.
Kurt Vlach (Austria) — Best of Division 2 th. Best of Breed 3th.
NEW (TICA) Champion!!!!!
Karabel's Luna of Galax-cat
Tomoko Vlach (Japan) — Best of Division 1th. Best of Breed 1th. 6th Best AB kitten on Show.
Kurt Vlach (Austria) — Best of Division 1th. Best of Breed 2th. 8th Best AB kitten on Show.
Nurit Phal (Israel) — Best of Division 1th. Best of Breed 3th.