
Galax-cat Nikita

GC Purrpals Eden of Galax-cat  GRC Compri Augustine of LauredenGC Compri Sand In My Shoes of LauredenGC Compri Suncoast
Compri Sand In My Paws
CH Compri Hakada DollCompri All In Line
Compri The Grace Of God
Laureden Uninvited of PurrpalsGC Purrpals VictoryGC Purrpals Hercules
CH Jetset Miss Texas of Purrpals
GC Heida TatyannaGC Dega-Bulu’s Lil Dutch Boy of Heida
Heida Olivia
CH Purrpal’s Snickerdoodle of Galax-cat

GC Laureden Cookie Cutter of Purrpals

GC Compri  Augustine  of LauredenGC Compri Sand In My Shoes of Laureden
CH Compri Hakada Doll
GC, RW Laureden Strike a Rose of ArtemisGC, BW, NW Artemis Stardust Memory
GC Laureden Magically Delicious
CH Purrpals Hannah MontanaPurrpals Rip Van WinkleSandypaws Coat2Coast of Purrpals
CH Purrpals Victory Dance
CH Laureden Ya-Ya Sister of PurrpalsGC, NW Grovewood Corbin Copy
CH Purrpals Clarity of Laureden